Showing posts with label march walk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label march walk. Show all posts

Sunday, March 27, 2016

March Walk

Childhood Memories

Each step brings back memories of childhood March walks in the New England woods exploring after the long winter.  The annual trek for signs of spring greenery forming anew.  Soft earth under foot, birds singing loudly overhead. The ride home on my father's back after little feet tired or misstepped in the moist ground. 

This March day was no different with signs of spring to be seen. The vernal pools giving rise to new growth.  Met by skunk cabbage* rising to greet the path.  Green to be seen dotting the low areas of the woods floor.  Skilled feet stepping over the mud.

*Symplocarpus foetidus, Eastern Skunk Cabbage

The March walk in the woods repeated and complete.  Satisfaction that the woodlands are responding to the call of the Spring. Thanks Dad for the memories of those walks together!