Showing posts with label The Pond Guy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Pond Guy. Show all posts

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Weed the Garden, Weed the Pond

Three summers ago, we inherited an old farm pond and learned quickly about the need for maintaining the pond to prevent overgrowth of algae and weeds.  The hot summer sun quickly warms the shallow areas around the pond edge, creating a perfect environment for new growth.

After a good cleaning of the pond bottom last year, we are seeing less algae, but still are getting an abundance of pond weed.  The addition of black lake dye has helped, but with warm weather in June the weeds are growing quickly.  The dye is not as effective at the edges of the pond. The presence of aquatic plants in lake environments can be summarized in a single statement:  “If light reaches the bottom, plants will grow.” NYS DEC A Primer on Aquatic Plant Management in New York State 

We ordered some tools from The Pond Guy last fall to help with pond maintenance.  The net was very helpful in early spring to remove algae forming along the pond edge.  The rakes got their test this afternoon on the pond weed.

The weed rake (left) was the workhorse with it's long rope. It was easy to throw the rake into the lake and pull it back along the bottom.

The weeds came up easily and the rake did a good job pulling them out. We used the net to pull up pieces that had broken off. It was easier to do than we expected.

Weed the garden! Weed the pond!
Chores are never done.

Before and After


Images via and by Slice of Exurbia