Showing posts with label Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garden. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow!

You know it is summer when you see the orange daylilies by the side of the road, by a mailbox, behind old stone walls or on the lakeshore. The orange swaths pop up in unexpected places and are reminder to us to enjoy the fleeting days of summer.

Yet each flower lasts only for a single day. Greeting the morning with such boldness and beauty.  An inspiration to us to reflect on what it means to make the most of our time.

With multiple buds on each stem, a cluster can bloom for several weeks.  They are a reminder that each day of summer should be savored and enjoyed. Here today, but gone tomorrow. Carpe Diem - Seize the Day!

Images via Slice of Exurbia

Monday, July 6, 2015

Window Boxes - Hudson Valley Take on Charleston Inspiration

This spring on a garden tour in Charleston, SC with local expert and author, Louisa Pringle Cameron (The Secret Gardens of Charleston), I was taken with the beautiful window boxes splashed with color adorning many of the homes.  In the photo above, window boxes facing the street dress up an otherwise simple house facade.  In our area, summer provides the perfect climate to use window boxes to add color, texture and interest to your home.

Window boxes - Hudson Valley style

Ivy provides constant greenery as blooms come in and out throughout the summer months and into fall.


Window boxes not only enhance the look of your home from the outside, but add to the view from within. 

Images via and Slice of Exurbia